WIN1201-17 Sacred Heart College Website Development


Dhaivat Bhachech

Role: Project Manager/ Leader

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
  • A very good understanding of HTML, and CSS.
  • Profound knowledge of networking devices (CCNA), Cyber security, Cloud Computing, and IoT devices.
  • Possess skills like critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving, and organizational developed through coursework and volunteering.
  • Project management skills developed assuming team lead role in major group projects.

Contribution in project: Developed HTML code and CSS for styling and designing of the website, SQL Database setup and configuration, Major developing and troubleshooting of the website.


Amit Kumar

Role: Researcher 

  • IBM certified embedded software developer.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and competitive attitude.
  • Proficiency in C, VHDL, Arduino IDE, CCNA.

Ankit Singh

Role: Progress Chaser 

  • Worked on a  mobile application “City Guide“  during bachelor in Computer Application.
  • Conversant with PHP, C, C++, and  Python.
  • Created and added content, using HTML, CSS.


Yashodhara Mandikal Nagaraja

Role: Communicator

  • Familiar with programming languages – HTML, CSS, C, JavaScript.·
  • 1-year of work experience in the networking field.

Contribution to Project:

  • Developed the code for programs section and worked on CSS styling for the same.
  • Maintaining and updating the progress and logs of the website.
  • To send out relevant, timely updates on meetings and other info to the team.

Team Name:

Tech Savvies

Team Members Names:

Dhaivat Bhachech, Yashodhara Mandikal Nagaraja, Amit Kumar, Ankit Singh

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

Sacred Heart College Website Development

Sponsor Name:

Jacob Sullivan

Sponsor Organisation:

Sacred Heart College

Brief Description Of Project:

The single page website focuses on various certificate courses and programs from the “Franciscan University of Steubenville” as well as parish Catechist training and Youth Ministry training. The college website is developed using HTML, CSS and Java script languages and is concatenated with a SQL database which allows the administrator to view all the inquiries on the backend. On the front end, the details filled out in the inquiry form will be automatically emailed to the principal of the college/admin and to the inquirer as soon as it is submitted. For convenience, the users can directly navigate themselves using the google maps provided under the contact section. To add to this, the website is SSL certified and has ‘A’ rating by SSL labs. To put in a nutshell, the website has a very simple and enhanced user experience with the ability to automatically adjust all the parameters i.e. (padding, margins, borders) for devices with different screen resolutions.

Project Objective:

A website is the virtual front door of any organization and we believe that it should represent all the necessary information. The project objective is to build a user-friendly single page website which portrays well-organized content i.e. About, Contact us, Events, Programs and Certifications, and the Donation details.  It should present accurate information with the colour scheme catered by the sponsor.

Project Innovation:

The website provides one-step access to all the programs and certifications the college offers. Any user accessing the website can easily search and find any information they are looking for. The website is built from scratch using HTML coding and CSS styling with a specific colour palette as per the sponsor requirements. The users can make inquiries or registration for any events/programs by submitting their personal details in the inquiry form. The website is also incorporated with an SSL certificate to provide secure and protected access the communication between the website and its users.


Challenges & Solutions:

  • Challenge: Google maps ​integration in the Contact Us section – API key
    • Solution: Used google embed option.
  • Challenge: Website did not load entirely with “index.html” format.
    • Solution: Replaced it with “index.php”.
  • Challenge: nginx error in the shared web hosting website: vanplesk
    • Solution: Changed nginx settings and updated the php version.
  • Challenge: Submit button would not redirect the queries into the database.
    • Solution: PHP mailer.

Project Results or Progress:

  • A subtle and user friendly website, tailor made from scratch to achieve the end goal and requirements of the sponsor.
  • Timely completion of the website, inputs and changes from end user and approval weeks before the deadline.
  • Well organized and functional features such as embedded google maps,  about the college, their motto, QR code for the website, inquiry form with email confirmation, redirecting users to the church website, programs offered and the hovering scheme to highlight particular segments.
  • Stable and “A” grade SSL certification for one of the most secured website.

Lessons Learned:

  • Website coding using HTML, and designing languages such as Java, and CSS.
  • SQL for database creation and concatenating it with the website.
  • Constructive team work and project management planning to effectively achieve project goals.
  • Professional communication with the sponsor and handling service and information requests.
  • Risk analysis by developing a risk management plan with good efficacy.
  • Individual team coordination development and management skills from project milestones and deadlines.
  • Effectively maintaining the issues logs and the backup codes.
  • Testing and troubleshooting errors incurred.
  • Learned better approach methods towards common goals and better communication strategy to be implemented in future projects and assignments.

Short Video: