WIN1201-26 Rfid Accessibility Tool

The main intention of this project to assist visually impaired people around us without human assistance. It’s a wonderful use of ioT technologies.

WIN1201-22 Smart Spice Rack

An Application to manage the spices in the Kitchen. This Application is designed to help average consumers organize pantry items by physical location and minimum inventory.

WIN1205-05 Josephine Management Co. Ltd.

We created an image recognition system that will detect the number of bottles and position of bottles in a wine-rack and display the result in a basic inventory management app …

WIN1201-23 Library Book Checkout System

The goal of this project is to automate the process to check-out a book from any library to improve efficiency over traditional library check-out systems without having to employ a …

WIN1201-21 Smart Pantry Application

The Smart Pantry is designed to help average consumers organize pantry items by physical location, both Inventory, and itemized inventory, as well as more effectively manage out of stock groceries​.

WIN1205-21 JAG Grief Centre

This project includes the developing and updating of a website for the JAG Grief center to provide grief and bereavement support to the community in the forms of therapy, holistic approaches …