WIN1205-21 JAG Grief Centre


Name: Dhruv Maheshwari
Role: Team Leader/ UI/UX Developer

  • I have the interpersonal skills to lead a team to achieve project milestones on and effective interaction among team members, sponsor and mentor.
  • Played a major role in development of UI/UX and testing of the website.
  • I also have experience in deploying several services on cloud, building network topologies, Java, MySQL and UI/UX development.
  • I am AWS and CCNA certified with a knowledge of RedHat Linux.

Name: Hardik Patel
Role: Web Developer / Website Designer / Website Tester

  • I have 2.5 years of experience in website development
  • Good knowledge of WordPress, PHP, HTML, JAVAScript, CSS.
  • My major work in the website was to write the code and build up the pages and website deployment

Name: Nehal Patel

Role: Web Developer 

  • Proficient and web development using PHP, MYSQL and HTML.
  • I have 1-year experience in Web Development.
  •  My role on this project is develop the website and troubleshoot any errors.

Name: Ravikumar Patel

Role: Website Tester / Database Developer

  • I have a 1-year experience in Android Development.
  • Have deep understanding in PHP, HTML and CSS.
  • My job on project was to manage the database and fix any errors any database.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Dhruv Maheshwari, Hardikkumar Patel, Ravikumar Patel, Nehal Patel

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Alwyn Appiah

Project Name:

Sponsor Name:

Jodi Gorham

Sponsor Organisation:

JAG Village

Brief Description Of Project:

Grief is a natural response to loss. A lot of people in our community are facing difficulty coping with their loss and grief. They need compassion, love and companionship which can help them fight during these difficult times if only a little. With this website the sponsor will be able to help and reach out to those who need help and build a better and happy community, community to overcome their sadness by providing them a platform through a website from where they can seek aid from other people who have sympathy, concern, and interest for miserable people. 

This project includes the developing and updating of a website for a Grief center to provide grief and bereavement support to the community in the forms of therapy, holistic approaches and utilizing the online resources.  This website will also educate communities in general and ways to also support grievers.

Project Objective:

The website was already been created and necessary changes and upgradations are to be made in the webpages of the site. The objectives to work upon are as follows:  

  • To update the content in the website and also add pictures and videos with improving the overall layout and orientation of the website.
  • To provide a service by adding a calendar in which a to-do list will be created where the track of the things which are going to happen on daily basis are listed.  
  • To also create other several pages like Bogs and Events Page, a Photo Gallery.
  • Create a Donations Page where people can Donate through different mode like PayPal and Stripe.
  • To make the site user-friendly, fine tune the odds and try to make it bug which may occur at time of developing the project.    
  • People who are interested in helping the people in grief can also sign up and help those in grief with different services like outdoor care, dropping off their children to school, providing supper, daycare, going out for a walk etc.  

Project Innovation:

  • The most important things was to develop a calendar in which the service can be booked. None of the team member had experience with that. we created a calendar which works similar to the Microsoft Outlook calendar.
  • We also created the Blogs Page, where the admin will post a Blog and users can come and comment on the Blogs and a chat loop can be initiated users can have a small discussion board.
  • As there was no payment portal on the website for the Donations and we have created a Donations page where we integrated PayPal and a third party gateway called Stripe on which the donor can just put the card details and donate on the website.
  • At last there were a lot many photos which the sponsor wanted to put on the website for that we created a photo gallery where admin can put in pictures of events and user can have a look on the current things happening on the website.

Challenges & Solutions:

  • Email Issue:

Solution: As there were restriction on the domain where the limit was set to the Emails for 1 per hour we switch to Microsoft Outlook but were not able to integrate it as it was third party software and our domain did not support it. So we just moved back to C-Panel and its up and running.

  • Comment section on the Blog Page:

Solution: As when the comments were made by any user, it used to refresh the page and had to scroll down the page to find the comment. But now users stays at the same part of the part after making the comment.

  • Calendar in “It Takes a Village” service:

Solution: As earlier there was a very basic way in terms of dropdown box to select date and time for providing the service. We converted that into a calendar where everything can be selected easily and repetitive actions can also be done.

Project Results or Progress:

We as a team have successfully completed all the deliverables and they are fully functional and working well on the website. Some of the salient features we have developed and modified on the project are as follows: Come on into the Website a take a look. Its truly an amazing idea.

  • Home Page
  • Blogs Page
  • Event Page
  • It Takes a Village service.
  • Photo Gallery
  • Donation Page
  • Contact Us Page

Lessons Learned:

The experience will help with the making more user-friendly website and how we can develop the different pages on different platform based on the programming language.

While we were working on the website we gained knowledge and experience on different technical aspect which helped us developing some key skills like database testing , database management , and we also improved our skills on the programming language like PHP and MySQL which will help us developing any websites in future on this platform or on the XAMP server.

We also learned about many project management skills like team work, time management , quality control  which will help us on the real world and deal with the problems.

Short Video: