S1G6 Marketing strategy for ParkHill Realtors Group


Project lead. Responsible for Communication between the team and the sponsors. Delegation of work and making sure of the deadlines.

Technical lead. Responsible for analyzing the client requirements and finding applications to help with.

Technical lead. Helps in researching and analyzing client’s requirements and helps with visuals of the project.

Director. Responsible for documenting meetings between sponsors and the team. Helps in researching and writing reports.

Director. Responsible for researching and analyzing data.

Team Name:

Team Meraki

Team Members Names:

Manush Desai, Rohit Sharma, Patricia Pandaravalappil, Mithil Patil, Joel Martin

Program of Study:


Mentor Name:

Project Name:

Marketing strategy for ParkHill Realtors Group

Sponsor Name:


Sponsor Organisation:

ParkHill Realtors Group

Brief Description Of Project:

Creating a marketing plan with a blend of digital and traditional media for increasing Team Parkhill’s cliental.

Project Objective:

The main objective is to help Team Parkhill to increase their new client base by finding and implementing new strategies for them and to help them in different ways to win their listing interviews.
The above objective can be divided further into three business objectives which are specific Client Requirements.

Reach: Expanding customer base

Effectiveness: Ability to convert more traffic/contacts/leads to clients and closed deals

Efficiency: Doing more with less resources, budget, effort or time invested. More profits/sales with less investment of money and time and efforts

The following will be the measurable outcome of the project which will be helpful in assessing the satisfaction of Sponsors Requirements.

Grow client base in terms of following measures:

Increasing Reach in numbers and area up to GTA

Increasing traffic diversion rate.

Increasing Cold lead from diverted traffic

Increasing number of Warm leads. Current warm lead number stood at 5/6 buying leads and 1 listing for month of February 2021.

A desired growth of at least 50% in number of deals closed. Current number of deals closed per month on an average is 2 deals.

Improve operational efficiency. Target for keeping the cost per month less than $250 for digital marketing in long run. Developing a self-correcting trading system that links results with actions and investment in various marketing tools.

Project Innovation:

Original or creative approach or solution

The Team used the creative approach of digital marketing research with competitive analysis. The solution used by Team Meraki was improving website user experience solution and improving overall ranking of website with search engine optimization.

Outcome effectively meets and satisfies client objectives.

The outcome of the search engine optimization will improve ranking on search engine and increase digital presence of social media accounts of project sponsors satisfies the objectives.

Leveraging Existing Technology in an innovative way

Team Parkhill has a website and needs innovative user experience which inversely increases customer retention and referrals. This existing technology of SEMrush improves the keywords to be used on website thereby increasing search rankings without any additional expense for pay per click options.

Challenges & Solutions:

One of the main challenges was to obtain data and statistics of the client due to MLS restrictions of sharing their customer’s information. This proved as an obstacle to us as we were unable to analyze numbers regarding inventory and past successful clients and provide them with solutions backed by figures. We discussed on various ways to approach this problem and realized we could use Industry given numbers and past surveys that were readily available with the client as well as from other sources.

As a real estate agent, one of the biggest concerns is getting listings due to low inventory, Parkhill team was facing the same problem. With Covid’s situation also at hand getting a listing in the fiercely competitive market was becoming difficult. After doing a competitive and market analysis we realized that the best way forward would be revamping our client’s image and their presence on social media. We decided to make a content calendar for their social media engagement. We use tools like SEMrush to monitor traffic on their website and analyzing it to help them better their websites.

Project Results or Progress:

From our initial research of our sponsor’s market, we realized that competition was aggressive, and the inventory was low. Our next step was to find ways that could improve our sponsor’s image and get them more leads. Also, with the covid impact, we realized that digital marketing would be the best strategy for the success of our sponsors.

To acquire more customer base, we realized that our sponsors require to market themselves in both digitals as well as print media. We did a competitive analysis and found that other realtors are using digital media as a way to market themselves. We started working on their digital platforms like website, Facebook, and Instagram pages. We have provided them with ‘Call to Action’ keywords which will help their customers to reach them easily. We used tools like SEMrush to monitor the traffic on their website and analyzed what keywords could help their website to show up. We are creating a content calendar to help with their social media engagement for their various social media platforms.

With each member having work part-time and attending classes in collaboration with working on applied projects the team has met critical timelines and performed beyond expectations in terms of attendance, productivity, and application of expertise with quality of work. These timelines have been provided as a word to the sponsors and the data is being delivered during the meetings.
With each progress we report back to our mentor and sponsor, we discuss our findings and what solution we think best suits the problems. All our findings were well received by our sponsors. After doing industry and competition analysis, we realized that our sponsors require to be more actively do digital marketing which helps them connect with new customers. We conveyed our findings of how they need to work on keywords to get a better search engine optimization result and update their call-to-action buttons on their website. The sponsor positively responded and asked us which tools we require and gave us access to tools like SEMrush to help them further strengthen their digital media presence.

Lessons Learned:

Communication and Time management is most Important:

Due to Covid, we moved to asynchronous learning with virtual meetings. Because of this, there were instances where all the members were unable to participate in the meeting. Also, few discussions were taken on call between few members due to convenience. All this led to few members going out of the loop of the whole project discussion generating confusion.

We overcame this difficulty with calling and having meetings as per our own convenience within the pre-determined frames. All the members were responsible for calling the team lead or another associate for getting an update on all decisions taken. We also started discussing in an informal Watts App group created specifically for the project. We Prepared a work breakdown structure for allocation and division of work responsibility avoiding future confusion.

Lesson Learned – Challenges will always be there in every aspect of life including work problems. One must go deep into the problem, recognize it with team members, and agree to solve it by adopting different techniques.

Research is very important:

In the initial phase of the project, before conducting any meeting with sponsors, we started focusing on getting buyers for our sponsors. We researched about an overall industry that included US-based data and we started to frame the problem as getting more leads in form of buyers. But after our initial meeting with sponsors, we realized that the real problem was getting more listings i.e., sellers. This changed our focus of research.

Lesson Learned – The team should always conduct enough research and ask clients for clarification regarding their industry practices and problem faced by them before reaching any conclusion or starting any research. This is necessary as we will be advising or performing services in a new industry in which the client would have been doing business for years. So, one must have enough knowledge before advising clients.

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