WIN1201-12 Fleming College Arboretum


Name : Rajwinder Kaur

Role : Communication Manager, Designer and tester

I have completed my Master’s in Information Technology from India. Currently, I am enrolled in Wireless Information Networking, at Fleming College. During my college I got a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge and skills by working on an applied project, named Fleming Arboretum. The Project has a team of three students, a sponsor Prof. Jason Kerr from the Frost Campus of Fleming college who provides us with the information and the material to be uploaded regarding the project and a Faculty advisor Prof. Alwyn Appiah who leads us and helps us with any difficulty during the project. I tried to contributed all my knowledge and efforts in the project by managing the communication along with designing the website. Besides, I also performed the testing of the technical part and the work being done. While working in the project I have learned many new skills including teamwork, time management, working collaboratively and many useful technical skills.

Name : Kawalpreet Kaur

Role : Project Manager and Programmer

I pursued my Bachelor’s of technology in computer and science engineering degree in 2014. Currently, I  am enrolled in  two year post graduate diploma in Wireless Information Networking at Fleming College. During the coursework, I was assigned an applied project that is related to Fleming Lindsay Campus Arboretum. This was a team project of 4 members to design a website for Fleming Arboretum, sponsored by Prof. Jason Kerr. Mr. Jason. As a team leader, I gained the knowledge about leadership qualities which helped her in managing the team, coordinating and meeting all the deadlines before given timeframe. Moreover, As a team successfully completed the coding part of the project, in which I had to write codes for different webpages and also debug them with the help of other team members for the successful completion of the project.

Name : Poonam

Role : Database Management and handler

I have completed my Bachelor’s in Information Technology in 2016 from India. During that period, I got an opportunity to work on developing a website and designed an online jobs website. After that, I took CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) training. I am pursuing my studies in Wireless Information Technology at Fleming College. During the study, I have an opportunity to work on an applied project and has been assigned a project of website development for “Fleming Arboretum” in a group of 3 members. This website is sponsored by Mr. Jason Kerr. He provided all the data that is uploaded on the website. Prof. Alwyn Appiah provided his guidance to make a website according to the sponsor requirement. My role is to handle the database. During building the website, I learned many skills those are beneficial for my professional carrier.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Kawalpreet Kaur, Rajwinder Kaur, Poonam

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Alwyn Appiah

Project Name:

Fleming College Arboretum (

Sponsor Name:

Jason Kerr

Sponsor Organisation:

Fleming College, Frost Campus

Brief Description Of Project:

This project is a similar to a museum; but this is a museum of trees. This Arboretum will provide a living laboratory, which includes native as well as non-native variety of trees and shrubs for the purpose of education and skills. All the information of a particular trees that is related to their leaf, bark, twig features and their location with their respective photographs. One can search by common name, scientific name, location and accession number based on their requirement.


One can search for different trees by their common name, scientific name, location and accession number from the botanical sample page.

User can search one category at a time. Try it, we are very proud of our work and want you to experience it too..

Try a search by any one of these:

  1. Common Name: Seven-sons_Tree
  2. Scientific Name: Heptacodium_miconioides
  3. Location: Timbersports
  4. Accession Number: 2018-01.


Project Objective:

  • Fleming Arboretum will provide a living laboratory, which includes native as well as non-native variety of trees and shrubs for the purpose of education and skills.
  • This website will include all the virtual platform that will include all the information related to all the species in the arboretum.
  • The focus of this website is to make it publicly available, so that students as well as others can have benefits from it, that will enhance their knowledge.
  • It will be user friendly in a way that students can have all the knowledge by looking at the images and information provided.

Project Innovation:

  • For developing this website we used PHP programming language because we are more familiar with this language to handle database.
  • PHP used MySQL data for handling database and our assigned project required good handling of database to deal with HD images. So, this is suitable platform for project.
  • Team used different search criteria for each category that is a challenging task.

Challenges & Solutions:


  • Initially after assigned with Fleming Arboretum project, the team faced a challenge for domain name as this is a new website.
  • Team encountered the challenge for different search criteria.
  • Also, faced issue while linking the uploaded images to the database.
  • Moreover, team encountered with their biggest challenge that is of storage issue.


  • With the help of Fleming domains the team has created domain name for the assigned project.
  • There are five different types of search buttons in the website for that team used text button that is linked with the database.
  • Storage issue has been resolved with the help of Mr. Alwyn as he talked to some authorities at Fleming College and provide us up to 5GB storage.

Project Results or Progress:

Team successfully build a website which accomplished all the requirements of the sponsor. In this website, at homepage we give a brief description about the Fleming College Arboretum, their mission statement and goals. Also, there is one search button at the home page from where user can search different species of trees by their common name. There is one botanical sample webpage where we put all the information about different trees and shrubs planted at Frost Campus along with their images. At this webpage, team insert different search buttons for the convenience of the user.  Apart from this, there are three more webpages which are related to Maps, Resources and Donors.

Lessons Learned:

  • Through this journey , all team members enhance their skills depending upon their areas of interest like programing, database management, website designing and documentation.
  • As a team, all team members learned how to collaborate work and learnt about time and communication management.
  • Gained knowledge about handling of large and bulky databases.

Short Video: