WIN1201-03 Lab Improvements


I am Kaushikkumar Patel and I pursued B.SC with physics from India. I have worked as a teacher of physics subject in secondary school. I am looking over all the management responsibility of the team such as risk analysis, planning and time management. I am also helping the team in testing and design layout of the our project.

Role :- Management Officer

My name is Yusuf Haque and I took my bachelors of technology in electrical engineering. I have job experience as an electrical engineer from India.  I am helping the team to bridge the communication gap between all  the stakeholders of our project . I am also helping the team with testing and documentation of the our project.

Role :- Communication Officer

I am Ajay Kumarkukkar and I am the project manager. I am helping the team with all the technical skills such as programming, coding, testing and maintenance of our project.  With the help of my fellow team members, I am making the necessary documentation too.

Role :- Project Manager

My name is Gurpreet Singh and I am providing my support to the team in developing all the backend coding and implementing all the testing that are required for smooth running of our project.

Role :- testing and web developer 


Team Name:

Legacy Leavers

Team Members Names:

Kaushikkumar Patel, Ajay Kukkar, Yusuf Haque, Gurpreet Singh

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

Lab Improvement

Sponsor Name:

Alex Bushell

Sponsor Organisation:

Lab Improvement Inc.

Brief Description Of Project:

  • We have good opportunity to develop universal wireless interface. And make widespread remote interface that will be utilized for an entire wide range of business and mechanical applications.

  • A piece of coding has been developed to interface the website and hardware with the help of a raspberry pi. The user can easily access the specification of any mechanical hardware.

Project Objective:

  • To develop and deliver a complete universal wireless interface with variables by using sponsor’s requirement and specifications and to deliver a static website which is displaying gauges.

  • This website will help the user to get completely remote access of  any hardware to which it is connected. This website is capable of  displaying the specification such as Temperature, Speed, RPM etc. on a mobile device such as a tablet, laptop  or even a  mobile phone.

Project Innovation:

  • Our webpage is showing very interactive data and the main reason being that it is displaying the real time value of the hardware to which it is connected.

  • The user can easily get the access to our webpage with the help of simple VPN (virtual private network ) and without any difficulty  the user can simply see what all is happening in the hardware.

  • With the help of text entry box the user can force a value to the gauges and force the value that they desire.

Challenges & Solutions:

  • The team was facing serious issues while developing the codes that involved complex coding languages such as  JavaScript, MYSQL etc. With the help of many research and seeking the help from our mentors and instructors the team was able to overcome this issue.

  • While working on this project our team had some communication gap with the sponsor. But the team successfully applied some management and  communication skills to bridge this gap which helped the to carry on a positive way.

Project Results or Progress:

  • Throughout the working of our project the team developed the coding for the working of variables such as Speedometer, Tachometer, Temperature etc.

  • We developed the gauges which is interactive and they can be displayed wirelessly on any remote devices such as a laptop or a mobile phone with the help of Wi-Fi.

  • The best part of our wireless interface system is that it displays the real time data to the user which is very interactive.

Lessons Learned:

The team was successful in developing  some very valuable skills such as time management, risk analysis, resource allocation, communication skill, technical skills. These skills are very important in each and every work place to achieve the goals successfully.


Short Video: