WIN1205-02 AVROD App Development Upgrades



ROLE: Project Lead, Developer, Tester

Good in web designing which includes HTML and CSS . Have experience with bootstrap too. Worked on a previous project by designing the front end  of a E-com website and  also worked on back end a little. Role in this project included the designing the front end of the project and testing for the eventual bugs.


ROLE: Project Co-Ordinator, Developer, Tester.

Familiar about the SQL/PLSQL and relational Database, Java, C and php skills. Have experience with Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning through the B.Tech project titled:’Automatic Classification of Benign and Malignant Tumors Using Artificial Neural Networks’ which is done by utilising neural networks, php, java and html. Role in this project include the creation and updation of the database along with storing the details in the said database and also linking it with the Google database.


ROLE: Project Co-Ordinator, Developer, Tester.

I’m familiar with C, Embedded C , C++, Database SQL and Web Designing. and MATLAB. With reference to my major project i have a great knowledge in Embedded systems. My major was designing and developing of embedded live and motion detection systems and design software. Have experience  knowledge on C, C++, Database SQL and Web Designing.


Role: Communication Lead, Documentation Handling and website layout Designer

I have accomplished my graduation in Computer Science Engineering. I am currently enrolled in Wireless Information Networking in Fleming college. I have played the role of Communication leader throughout the making of AVROD website. Also, I have the comprehensive knowledge of development languages like Core Java, Advanced Java, C, C++, HTML,CSS and gained some experience in Android, MySQL database and website designing. Throughout the period, i managed to setup the time to time meetings with mentor, sponsor and with Team Byte-Optimizers. Moreover, sending out the meeting invites and then keeping the records of what we discussed in those meetings was also one of my responsibility.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Vishal Bhagat, Rinisha Chalasani, Krishna Sai Shanagala, Sumit Sharma

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking (WIN)

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

AVROD Website Development

Sponsor Name:

Jeremy Brooks

Sponsor Organisation:


Brief Description Of Project:

This Project is about developing a website which acts as a front door to the AVROD Virtual Platform. In this website the users get to register by creating a AVROD username and password or through Gmail Id and Phone Number, This website contains a brief information about AVROD, sites that contain the places that the users want to visit. This sites serve the users in the fields of education, research and virtual tourism for recreational purposes allowing the users choose their desired destinations without the need of physical presence or any paperwork but just with a simple registration sitting in their homes. This especially serves its purpose during this pandemic where the physical travel is restricted.

Project Objective:

The objective of this project is to provide users to traverse across the globe virtually without the physical presence and all the menace that comes with it and hence for this website to act as the platform to users to complete be familiar with the AVROD Virtual platform by registering and getting a complete idea the working of AVROD as a whole and also visit the available sites  by knowing, discussing and creating story boards based on their previous experiences with fellow users before actually visiting them.

Project Innovation:

The thought of virtual tourism itself is exciting as this provides the users to traverse across the globe but how exciting will it be if you are actually able to meet some people who share similar interests as you,  just like when people do meet others like them when they physically tour these sites? So we came up with linking this site to popularly used social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and twitter which allows the users to share their experience chat with other user, discuss and rate their experiences by providing suggestions to the new users and creating storyboards.

Challenges & Solutions:

Used temporary domain to go live with the website as we needed additional assistance to host it via AWS which may take some time and hence some options like the linking google database where the users can register using their gmail id, also the we faced an issues with search bar where the countries are to be listed in the alphabetical order. This issue is immideately resolved once the website is shifted from a temporary domain and is hosted on AWS. One of the major drawbacks that we noticed while testing our prototype version is that in the phone number option the website is taking all numbers including the negative numbers and symbols instead of just digits from 0 to 9 and so we fixed the issue by making changes to code so that website only accept the phone number with digits from 0 to 9.

Project Results or Progress:

The final result is the working live website which meets all the objectives that are to be met by allowing the users to register to the AVROD using their Gmail, Phone number and also directly registering with AVROD by creating a username and password which will stored in the created database and browse through all the available archeological sites using optimised search option which bases search on alphabetical order in different countries and continents by growing through all the webpages allocated to each site and also share their experiences on the social media platforms like Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, twitter that are linked through the website by the visible icons.

Website Link:

Lessons Learned:

Working on this project with people you are not at all familiar made me realise how difficult it is to start feeling comfortable and come to agreement on one single point and have a Starting point but eventually it became quite a effective team with different perspectives.  It also made me realise how important it is to meet the set deadlines and go by the scheduled timelines as every next deliverable is a predecessor and necessity to work on the next deliverable and hence a delay in one led to a delay of the entire project by one week. It also took a missed note for me to realise how important it is to maintain the proper documentation keeping track of everything. Having different perspectives yields positive results but not with small setbacks like eventual conflicts between the team members with the only positive being that they are managable as conflict resolution can happen with just sitting down and reaching a compromise. The major takeaway is adapting to any situation without sitting back and complaining Loke now where this entire project is done without even the team members meeting each other physically and just working each others part in their personal computer instead of college resource which would have made the work much easier and also simultaneously consulting each other along with the mentor just virtually which actually led to some lapses in communication, this situation and environment would have been unimaginable before, but as desperate situations call for desperate measures, we were able to adapt to the situation and complete the project successfully within the deadline

Short Video: