WIN1201-14 United Empire Loyalists Canada Mobile Website


Mohit Kumar

Website Developer and Communicator

  • Post Graduated in Computer Applications.
  • 2 Year Experience as a SCO in Samsung Mobile in India.
  • Built a java based website during training.

Rishipal Singh

Project Manager

  • Acquired technical skills and a great knowledge of programming languages such as SQL, Java, C, PHP, etc. through educational qualifications.
  • Have great interpersonal and communication skills required to lead a team.
  • Have working experience as a Technical Support Advisor.

Kulwinder Singh

Web Developer

  • Bachelors in Computer Applications.
  • Working Experience as a Junior Network Administrator in India.

Alekhya Jonnakooti

Website Developer

  • Graduated in Electronic and Communication Engineering.
  • Had great knowledge of Programming languages such as Advanced java, PHP.

Naga Venkata

Website Developer

  • Graduated in Electronic and Communication Engineering
  • Have a technical skills SQL, WordPress, Java.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Rishipal Singh, Mohit Kumar, Alekhya Jonnakooti, Kulwinder Singh, Naga Venkata

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

United Empire Loyalist Association Canada Mobile Website

Sponsor Name:

Doug Grant

Sponsor Organisation:


Brief Description Of Project:

The United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada is a non profit organization which is devoted to provide information about the history of the United Empire Loyalists and their contribution to enrich the lives of Canadians and in the growth of Canada. The whole website was based on Loyalist Directory in which around Nine thousand Loyalist’s names are added. The team was supposed to organize, update and maintain the functionalities of searching, adding, deleting and filtering panels of directory.

Project Objective:

  • The project included the insertion of 9449 entries of Loyalists into the directory and addition of PDF files corresponding to it.
  • Requirement of some panels such as inserting, deleting, searching and filtering for manipulating the names of loyalists.
  • Enhancing the User Experience and User Interface of the website.
  • To insert the appropriate plugins for the panels at the backend.

Project Innovation:

  • The team has used the latest technology and software such as Visual Studio Code, MySQL Workbench,  Bitbucket, Node.js and JavaScript library for building effective User Interface (UI) and enhance User Experience (UX).
  • JS library is helpful for developing codes for websites and mobile applications.
  • SQL and jQuery, these two were the major challenge for the successful completion of the project as they were used to design the database structure.
  • The testing of the project is performed with the help of Plugins and SQL.

Challenges & Solutions:


  • Team was having some issues in selecting the right plugins to add the features in the website.
  • There were too many errors in the database that were needed to sanitise and organise.


  • The first issue was solved by installing and using different plugins for finalizing them.
  • Various spreadsheets were created by the team to remove the errors from the database.

Project Results or Progress:

Since we started gathering requirements and some more information about the project, it was a great challenge to prioritize tasks. Till date, we have successfully completed all the requirements provided by our sponsor with their positive response. Our main focus for this project was the Loyalist directory so we started with the database structure for the directory, adding appropriate columns and functions like alphabetical sorting and searching features, a feature for inserting, deleting and archiving entries which would be used by the admin, etc. The website has been created with a user interface which is easy to use for the general public as well as the members to navigate through the entries to look up for the information they need. The end result is a directory which is simple to use, organised and clean that would be very beneficial for the students or researchers for their projects or journals to get information related to the United Empire Loyalists’ Association Canada.

Lessons Learned:

  • Throughout the whole project work, communication is a major skill that the team improved by constantly meeting the sponsor and within the team itself.
  • There were many problems that were contemporized during the project work which needed team coordination, work prioritisation and time management that the team acquired for this project to be successful.

Short Video: