S1G2 Bob Nurse RCPA Model


I am the operations lead of the team.  I manage and assign the work in the team. I like playing basket ball. I am passionate about working and doing small things in a great way.

With a bachelors in English Literature and a little interest in the field of business, I have come a long way in understanding the field of business and have overcome numerous challenges as a student of business school. I have always appreciated the art of communication, and efficient communication is a must in business. It is the decision maker, I believe.

I work as the communication lead of the team and enjoy creating content and shaping discussions. I am also responsible for directing effective and consistent communication with clients and also explaining the intrinsic details about our project to the team.

In my leisure time, I like to participate in outdoor sports as it gives me a sense of freedom and makes me feel confident of overcoming any challenging situation.

I am the creative head of the team. I manage the team to get along in this journey full of bumpy rides with a pinch of brainstorming taking out creative problem solving by each team member to provide unique value to whatever team is contributing to.

Undergraduate in Business Administration with a specialization in Event Management. Key interest in the field of business and focus on results are the main qualities. Currently, a business student at Fleming College, Peterborough.

Being an extrovert at heart, getting along and understanding people has always been easy. Eagerness to learn keeps me alert both on and off the field of work. My hobbies generally include activities which transport me to worlds and times in which I can let my mind wander freely, be it traveling alone or playing a deep role-playing game.

Team Name:

Innovation Tribe

Team Members Names:

Chandni Madadali Lalani, Maulika Mukeshbhai Patel, Rupak Thakur, SuhanHarunAlRashid Malik.

Program of Study:

Global Business Management

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

Bob Nurse RCPA Model

Sponsor Name:

Bob Nurse

Sponsor Organisation:

Bob Nurse Motors

Brief Description Of Project:

Develop a business model to commercialize the RCPA model as to become a tool to help auto buyers make the best decision taking into account total cost of the car including buying price, maintenance and resale value.

Project Objective:

We have collaborated with BOB NURSE MOTORS for our project and our chief objective is to recommend a marketing strategy for the launch of a software which will also work as a comparison tool for different cars. Based on internal and external analysis we need to develop a marketing plan to launch and promote the Revenue Cost Per Annum (RCPA) software in the market.

Our deliverables are :

  1. Research document. (situation analysis)
  2. Business/Marketing objectives, strategic options, and our recommended strategy.
  3. Launch and prepare a marketing plan document.

Our desired are :

  • Recommending best strategies for marketing the model.
  • Ways/ideas to implement the selected strategy.
  • Creating revenue generation options for our client.

Project Innovation:

Bob Nurse Motors is developing a tool which emphasizes on information about different make and models of the vehicles. However the sponsor has no business or revenue model for this idea. We managed to sniff out a hidden opportunity of generating revenue out of the developing software only by making a few changes here and there, and presenting an effectively possible comparative tool that will help car buyers and sellers make the right decision for their vehicles.

Challenges & Solutions:

The first challenge as a team we faced was that none of us have enough understanding or knowledge of automotive industry. We thought we were just a bunch of students who were struggling in a project which we do not even understand properly. It seemed like playing catch in the dark for a while. There was a lot of confusion about the project as well as the client requirements and expectations. We researched about various things that we thought related to the project but did not quite actually. So, we made changes and researched more. We took guidance from our mentor and realized we are not following the project in its real sense. So, we started again from the scratch and then fell into the right direction. We conducted various internal as well as external analysis upon various information and also communicated with the client to make sure we are going in the right direction. We understood the real problem and changed a lot of things within our project criteria and deliverables. We finally found out a way to adding value to our client’s idea by bringing revenue generation to his business.

Project Results or Progress:

Understanding the research, we added innovative value to our client’s existing model majorly by changing the target market at the first. We came up with strategies that will not only yield him some income but also put his name into the market. With a few more changes in the existing plan we came up with a phase strategy for the tool to become useful as a comparative tool for providing overall costs and comparisons among different cars. When we first discussed about this shift with our sponsor, he was not confused as we changed the entire way of the project according to him but later when we explained him that the ways the tool can be made valuable by making some changes and showed him how it will work for him in creating revenue, we got a positive response from the sponsor. He was convinced with our idea which will add value to our project and will also have a revenue model now.

Lessons Learned:

From not understanding the project at all to providing strategies that will not only help the business grow but also create innovative value in the project, we have come a long way. We made our mistakes and learnt from them, and researched more to improvise upon them. We gained lot of knowledge about the automotive industry and its trends, understood the progress the industry is taking with the help of technology, and also learnt how used car businesses are gaining attention of users. We also understood the market as we studied their unfulfilled expectations. We have now gained a complete understanding of applying everything that we learnt along the course of this project in order to achieve and finish the end goal. The most important lesson we take from this project work is to never rush into work without a complete understanding of what is required to be done.

Short Video: