S1G5 Flexpod Entrepreneurial Project


Priyanka (Partner, Marketing and Product launch) – she has worked as a Human resource associate in corporate companies. she has a better understanding of what to look for when recruiting a candidate and assessing whether he or she is a right fit. Along with the, I will also be heading the product launch of the company. she also has problem-solving skills which help in our project to come up with alternative solutions to the problems.

Pravallika (Partner, Huma Resources) – In order for any business to succeed it is very important to keep customer device and happiness as the primary goal, having worked for corporate companies in India and now working in Dominos, one of the world’s largest pizza chain I gained firsthand understanding that how these companies emphasize on the “Satisfaction of the customer” always comes first. I bring the same attitude and vision towards the company so I will be heading the HR and R&D dept . she is the creative designer for our project regarding presentations or application design.

Ramaraju Sai Kiran (Partner, Head of Finance & Budgeting) - he has more than 4 years of experience in project coordination and workflow management along with that he also worked in the Budgeting and resourcing team, he will be looking after the financial affairs of the company along with required budget allocation. he will act as a survivor during hard times, helping the remaining team members during group projects.

Ifeanyi’s (Researcher, Document Procurement, Prototype lead). He has a bachelor’s in statistics and a post-graduate degree in international business management. He has experience in marketing, sales, and customer service. He is innovative and skilled in design, market research, and presentation. He is the face of the company. We believe a combination of these skills and experience will be of value as it relates to product launch, sales, and more. He acts as a mentor in the project who will provide a clear view of our project.

Kunal  (PartnerResearcher, and Financial Advisor)- He has a bachelor’s in Accounting and Finance. He has experience in the field of Accounting and Taxation for 3 years, so he has a good understanding of finance and budgeting. Being studying the course of International Business Management has given him good exposure to researching and understanding the market.  he is the team lead who solves the problems that we faced while during the project.

Team Name:

Game Changers

Team Members Names:

Priyanka Vejendla, Pravallika Vejendla, Sai Kiran Ramaraju, Ifeanyichukwu Okonkwo, Kunal Gupta.

Program of Study:

Global Business Management

Mentor Name:

Project Name:


Sponsor Name:

Game changers

Sponsor Organisation:

Game Changers

Brief Description Of Project:

Our project is about the development of the application and the product of flexpods. These are a total of 6 pods used to connect to the application and do the different types of workouts and exercise at your body temperature. Our app is basically designed in such a way that it keeps track of our clients from their calorie burnout to their nutrition. According to our research, we came up with the conclusion that our target segment would-be working people who suffer from a poverty of time and have tight schedules, and like to have intensive workoutwithout losing time in commuting to and from the gym. They want to stay fit but find it difficult to balance both work and life. (bored because of exercising alone),


  • User AWorking people who suffer from a poverty of time and have tight schedules and like to have intensive workoutwithout losing time in commuting to and from the gym. They want to stay fit but find it difficult to balance both work and life. (bored because of exercising alone) 
  • User BTeenagers who are concerned about their body. These people suffer from their body image. They want to stay fit to stop bullying against them from the classmates at school. 
  • User C: New mothers who are unable to hit the gym due to an outbreak of a pandemic. These mothers are concerned about their health and about their baby’s health. To stay away from viruses, they are not showing any interest to go to gyms, but they want to be fit. 
  • User D: Individuals who are suffering from obesity. These people can go to gyms, but they are not having a proper diet plan to follow doing exercise. 
  • User E: Personal trainers lost their jobs due to COVID 19. These people did not have a proper platform to earn. 


  • A: Want to stay fit and healthy. 
  • B: Concern about their body image.  
  • C: Want to strengthen their bones and muscles. 
  • D: Want to reduce their body weight. 
  • E: Looking for new job opportunities. 

  • A: Busy with WorkLife and unable to spend time for fitness and feeling bored to workouts alone. 
  • B: All gyms are closed from a year due to the pandemic and users are upset with the existing open gym restrictions. 
  • C: Users are worried about their health to go to gyms during the COVID-19 and must look over their babies. 
  • D: Users who need proper health diet plan along with fitness exercise to reduce their obesity. 
  • E: Lost job due to the closure of gyms and health clubs from the pandemic. 

  • A: These users can do workouts from home and can find a partner through the application. 
  • B: As most of the gyms are closed. The teenagers can do several types of exercises and play sports from their house and backyards. 
  • CNew mothers can do exercises from home and no need to go outside. 
  • D: Personal dieticians are available to the people suffering from obesity which helps them to reduces their weight. 
  • E: Personal trainers are having a vast opportunity to train the users and earn from the home. 
Firstly, users need to buy the pods and install app from the play store or app store. In the app users can  

  • Enter their personal information like their e-mail, name, contact number. 
  • They need to fill the few fields about their Weight, height, BMI, age, health. 
  • Users can set fitness goals for a day or week or a month. 
  • Users who are busy with their work schedules can enter their schedule in the app 
  • Can add friends through the app and they can find the exercise friend. 
  • Compete with the new friends in the workouts and sports. 
  • Personal trainers and personal dieticians are available to the users in the app. 
  • Can not only exercise or workouts but also play sports with the pods and app. 

   our major target would be personal trainers who lost a job due to Covid-19. Our product is FlexPods. We provide exercising videos like martial arts, individual sports, functional fitness and can use for rehabilitation, physical therapy exercises and testing, tactical training. FlexPod app consists of the training activities created by top professionals. The unique feature about the pods is depending upon age fitness level and goals. People can choose the type of activities they want to perform, the pods come with access to a cloud database where the user’s performance and targets are evaluated and stored for future reference activities. We provide not only recorded videos of workouts but also live fitness classes by trainers.


App overview: 

We are building this app so that user can effectively use our product Flex Pod, this app is specifically designed for the users who workouts from home who has access to little or no additional fitness equipment. This app helps users to interact with workout pods by accessing various varieties of preloaded fitness drills. 


This app helps the user in the calorie count of the meal they are eating, designing personalized workouts plan according to the user-specific needs, provides audio and video instructions by the trainers on safely performing the exercise, this app also keeps tracks of user’s allergies in food and provides recipes accordingly to the user for achieving his or her personal fitness goals. The app also comes with premium features like a personalized workout plan where the trainers personally interact with the clients through audio and video calls and guide them in their fitness transformation.  the Premium users enjoy additional services like “Train with a Buddy”, where the user can join another user who is performing the same exercise providing motivation and making workouts competitive and fun. 


This App also provides the users with additional features like sleeping hours count, providing reminders for a workout, frequent evaluation of target goals and achievements. 



Pain Points of our Users. 

Lack of access to fitness equipment: Due to the pandemic most of the gyms are closed and the gyms that are opened are according to prior appointments and that too in limited time frame this has led to people dropping out of gyms and most of these people do not have an alternate method for workouts to meet their fitness goals. Lack of Time:  And the most important hurdle of all is lack of time, most of the people work in 9-5 jobs along with this traveling to the office and performing other important chores most people find it extremely difficult to squeeze in time to a workout and on top of that if the gym is a bit far from office or home it will take additional time to travel which discourages people to incorporate fitness in their daily life. 


Motivation: One of the main obstacles we found in the user journey of fitness is lacking the motivation to perform exercises and sticking to a diet plan. In our secondary research, we have conducted online we find that the biggest reason people can’t stick to a plan cause the user is not comfortable in performing traditional exercises and found they are slacking on it as workouts are no longer fun and don’t resonate with user’s fitness goals. 


Monotony in training methods:  Not all gym-goers are looking to Squat or deadlift and most of the training methods do not fit the user’s goals. An average person is not so much concerned with building big muscles they just want to be fit and the workouts they must perform should be fun and motivating, and they should also fit in their regular schedule so they can do it from the comfort of home or as a fun office workout and fitness sessions. 


Lack of Athletic training:  Traditional gyms cannot offer advanced training for athletics.  They lack reflexive and coordination movements and apart from these traditional workouts if not performed properly may lead to carrier-threatening injuries to athletes.  

 Lack of proper nutrition advice: Most people fail in their fitness journey because of a lack of a suitable diet for the user. General diets do not result in optimum output, there is a need for catering customized diet receipts with users.

Lack of personalized training: Most of the average gym goers depend on YouTube and other media to learn how to properly train, and the advice they receive through this medium is often unchecked and this is resulting in workout injuries and sprains preventing users from unlocking their potential.




App Features for different users: 


For Athletes: Customized workouts for reflexive training, with the cloud storage model they can be apt for custom-based strength and conditioning training where the user’s daily progress is stored and evaluated, and new goals are set to achieve.it also provides services like nutritional advice like food macro count and micronutrient values and gives tailor-made diets along with their recipes. 


For Working people:  people who just want to maintain basic fitness the app provides activities with a focus on flexibility and muscle recovery training and helps in posture maintenance it also provides reminders on supplement intake times and weekly progress stats for free of cost. Apart from this users can customize the plan by subscribing to additional features that build customized diet and personal training. 


For Kids provides different sets of games where they can play and learn about new things. As the pods are completely waterproof, they are protected with water removal sheeting which enables the user to play it outdoors without fear of damage. 

App Design features: 


Simple User interface:  The app home screen should be simple, visually pleasing, and easy to understand. The User should be able to easily navigate across different tabs of the app effectively without any confusion. 


Providing UpToDate version in technology: The App should be up to date with the technology requirement preventing it from lagging and crashing. 


Navigation Through AppSorting of required activities by filters users can easily access their required  pages and directly access everything about the activity they want to perform ( eg: Want to increase cardiovascular endurance, click on the cardio tab it will directly take to all the activates that has high aerobic activity, user can directly follow instructions and perform the task safely and effectively.) 


Preloaded workout videos: All the training modules will have preloaded example videos demonstrated by experts that will help users to do the workout effectively and safely.  


Project Objective:

Our project objective is to provide a Final business report, which helps to start a flex pod business, for that we did research on the market regarding the fitness industry and business plan and strategic options. the second objective is to prepare a prototype of our application to get feedback from the users and to show them to investors to get funding for our project. We have been currently working on the prototype and final business plan report. we provided the storyboard of the users and target segment, which represents the solution that the flex pod is providing to the users to overcome their pains and problems. we also provided the flex pod application internal features which will be used by our target segment and personal trainers. we also provided the data that how the flex pod application will overcome the problems the users are facing with existing competitors’ technology.

Project Innovation:

Our project Flexpod is based on Innovative ideas and social ideas as we are developing an application through which a user can operate our pods and do exercise which encourages our user to remain fit in their busy and boring schedule. Our features like Personal trainers and Exercise with buddies is an innovative idea which differs us from our competitors. It is innovative because it reduces the usage of gym equipment’s as we are creating a new trend by changing the mindset of people that in order to remain fit one has to go to the gym. So, we are here to provide an alternative solution for fitness lovers, people who have no time to go to the gym, and people who get bored, as our product doesn’t require huge equipment or space to do exercise. Our application is basically based on different users and it provides you with different forms of exercise according to your body requirements, we are giving you a powerful package to remain fit.

Challenges & Solutions:

The biggest challenge for us is the different time zones as one of our members is working from home country, people working at different hours so sometimes we really find it difficult to manage time and to discuss our work and problem but we mutually signed a contract and decided one time at which we all can meet and discuss our problem. We lacked last time with our financial estimates but this time we are working very closely and we believe that we would be able to convince investors. Initially, we find it difficult to develop a Prototype as were doing Research on a project there were a lot of things that were coming such as lack of resources that we can rely on but as a team we worked hard on it and we started sorting things that can help us to develop a prototype because of the current situation. We find it difficult to conduct Primary Research as we had constraint because of maintaining social distancing it was a major problem but we did our Secondary Research in depth so basically we thought that we won’t be able to land up with a Prototype as it was time-consuming but we overcome by devoting more time and today we have a Prototype ready.

Project Results or Progress:

As a team, we prepared a paper prototype for the Flexpod application,  along with a storyboard for this app user. As a team, we also researched our competitor’s product’s negative feedback and what the users expecting from an existing competitor and we come up with a solution that solves the problems with flexpods application and pods. Research is made on the Canadian fitness industry towards SWOT and situational analysis, and looks over the evolution of trends and gathered data shows the facts about the growing trend towards fitness application. we met all the deadlines about completion of project in time and also adding additional required data to the existing document. Our team game changers are moving towards the completion of the project, we submitted a strategic report document to the mentor , which shows the strategic objectives that our team created to opt for future development.

Lessons Learned:

lessons that our team learned while working on the applied project is to start the group projects (assignments ) by working on the document from the very first date rather than rushing at the last minute which results in getting productive output(data)  rather than trash data.
Monitoring the team performance from assignment to assignment and motivating every team member to work on the project by contributing more productive time towards the project.
Due to irregular meetings, we are not able to submit the deliverables for projects in time, so we planned to meet during weekends and work on the projects collectively to complete them before the deadline.
Rather than just going through random data, game-changers planned to look over the facts and record them, which act as a strong pillar for our project.
Through this project, we have developed problem-solving skills, whenever we face problems during project work will go choose the alternate options that solve the problem.

Short Video: