S3G6 Paddy Waste to Income


My full name is Gagandeep Kaur. My qualification is Bachelor of Commerce and currently enrolled in Global Business Management. I am the leader of Applied Projects. I make sure that team members contribute to the work and play leadership role during the Sponsor meeting.

Mehsar Virani

An entrepreneurial, management graduate. Pursuing post graduation in Global Business Management from Sir Sandford Fleming College (Ontario).
I found myself with a exploring mindset when it comes to real estate, business development.

Global business management student. I want to become an entrepreneur.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Gagandeep Kaur, Mehsar Virani, Vedant Patel, Yash Patel

Program of Study:

Global Business Management

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

Paddy Waste to Income

Sponsor Name:

Joseph Andrew Bernard

Sponsor Organisation:

Enactus Fleming

Brief Description Of Project:

The team is conducting research and developing contact  in India to create and develop a sustainable business opportunity for famers to sell paddy waste.

Project Objective:

The objective of our client is to find a buyers near the farmers so that we can reduce transportation cost.

We will know about the satisfaction of Sponsor requirements when we provide them proper information within desired time frame and when sponsor conduct regular meetings with us.

Project Innovation:

In order to meet the objectives of the clients we stay connect with our Sponsor and conduct regular meeting with them. To make project more sustain, we select two buyers and make a financial model while considering the both option. Moreover, we provide all the information to the Sponsor on timely basis and update all documents form time to time.

Challenges & Solutions:

There are some challenges that we face like we face difficulty to contact the people who are in India because of the Time Zone. Apart from it, sometime people hesitate to provide accurate information because of spam calls.

However, our team encounter these challenges and tried to solve these obstacles. In order to encounter the Time zone problem, we wake up till late night and call them. Furthermore, we provide information about our college, project, then start talking about project when we call in India.


Project Results or Progress:

Till now, we get the exact figures and make a Financial model which help our Sponsor to know the project cost and profits. With the help of the financial model, Our Sponsor conducted meeting with the Scotia Advisor for financial assistance. Apart from it, we find a two buyers which give us reasonable cost for the project. Moreover, we find the location of farmers near the buyers which will help us to make this project more sustainable.

Lessons Learned:

There are lot of things that we learned from this project. First of all, we learn how to conduct meetings formally. Moreover, its provides us great insights about the project management. All in all it helps us to learn practical knowledge along with the theoretical knowledge. For Ex

Short Video:

(479) Paddy Waste to Income – YouTube