WIN1205-04 Innovation Cluster-PRAN


Name : Pavan Kumar Popuri


  • Friendly and highly personable, accustomed to interacting with guests and communicating with them.
  • Goal-oriented, organised, team player, effectively able to work as part of a sales associate in a fast-paced environment.
  • Quick learner, able to pick-up and collaborate with Team.
  • Graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • Knowledge in C, HTML and CSS, C# and Python scripting.
  • 3 years of experience in IT industry as “Azure Hardware Tester”

Name : Lekha Nandini Gangireddy


  • Good at managing the team and communicating the information properly to them.
  • Have knowledge in C programming, Embedded, MS Office.
  • The final report of the project, post-implementation report are some key skills that I can deliver effectively.
  • Skills to maintain status reports and addressing the problems immediately.
  • Troubleshooting basic electronic circuits and networks and also built project on Electronic Voting machine with some added features.
  • Excellent communication skills and a team-player.

Name – Nikitha Sai Kavuri


  • Good at managing and communication skills.
  • Good listener and team worker.
  • Graduated in Computer Science and Engineering.
  • Knowledge in C, C#, and Java.


Name – Sai Lohith Reddy Pekati


  • Have knowledge in Software Testing, C, Java.
  • Have knowledge of 3 years of work experience in Manual and Automation Testing.
  • Excellent communication skills and management skills.
  • Good at teamwork.

Name – Neevaditha Thippana


  • Have knowledge in C, HTML, Javascript, Java.
  • Have knowledge in Microsoft Office and built a project on Website Designing.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Excellent skills at documentation.

Team Name:


Team Members Names:

Pavan Kumari Popuri, Sai Lohith Reddy Pekati, Lekha Nandini Gangireddy, Nikitha Sai Kavuri, Neevaditha Thippana

Program of Study:

Wireless Information Networking

Mentor Name:

Project Name:

WIN1205-04 Innovation Cluster-PRAN

Sponsor Name:

Rosalea Terry

Sponsor Organisation:

The Peterborough Region Angel Network (PRAN)

Brief Description Of Project:

Innovation Cluster – PRAN is basically a an Angel Investor where the Companies and Investors share their innovative ideas among them. With the current situations in the world, the entire life style of human being got changed to attend the meetings or public gatherings, to over come this challenge Innovation Cluster decided to help their partners providing a virtual platform to share their ideas on projects and views of the investors over web-based platform. Once they have this idea in mind to implement the web-platform, now they got security concern in the mind to protect the data from hackers. Now the Innovation Cluster team needs a web-based platform meeting all these requirements to help their partners meet virtually by filling the gap to meet face-to-face during these challenging days.

In the Innovation Cluster – PRAN, consists of a Home Page which provides basic information the company like what does the company do, contact information, place to login for their partners to share their data. To provide individual access to the companies and Investors, we provided separate space where they can register to the web-portal by providing their basic information and login to the portal with secured credentials. Provide access to upload documents, any project videos to the portal by the users who has privileged access to the portal. Once the data is upload the authorised users can view the data from the portal. To make the web-portal user friendly, we have provided features to recover passwords by the users, change user details, change password to maintain security. To maintain data security, as it is a main concern in today’s technology driven world, admin of the company has all the permissions to restrict the users from accessing data based on the permissions that user has. Also, every person who registers to the portal will not have access to it, only Admin approved users can gain secured access to the portal to make any changes to the data in their respective limit of access.

Project Objective:

Project Objective:  To create a portal within the innovation cluster that provides both angel investors and companies preparing to pitch password-protected files including videos and downloadable documents.

Client Objectives:

  • The significant objective of this project is to make a portal within the innovation cluster.
  • This website will contain password-protected files including videos and downloadable documents for both angel investors & organizations getting ready to pitch.To come up with a technology plan to meet the proposed budget plan by managing the investments in a project.
  • A website must be created and the portal to be split into 2 “log-ins”. For example, angel investors can not access the company’s portal, and the companies can not access the angel investor portal.

Project Innovation:

  • A new portal whose contents will have the equivalent/comparable branding to what the PRAN site as of now resembles. For instance, fonts, colors, etc.
  • When this project is finished, Innovation Cluster staff need the capacity of accessing the portal and altering it, for example, removing and adding content later on.
  • Organizations or investors will not have the ability to change sign-in data or include/erase content.
  • In this project created website needs not to be advertised, clients get the start-up organizations by their own strategies.

Challenges & Solutions:

  • Software compatibility: Researched well about the software languages.
  • Lack of coordination among the team members: Maintained good communication between the team members.
  • Not assigning the right member for the particular task: Knowing the skills of all team members and assign the tasks according to their skills.
  • Crossing the Budget limit: Understand the requirements of the project well and implement the project under the budget.

Project Results or Progress:

  • The new website is created as per the client’s requirements.
  • Innovation cluster team members are able to edit the database.
  • The team members of the Innovation cluster can restrict or allow the users.
  • Password recovery is available.
  • All the videos and other documents can be uploaded to the site.

Lessons Learned:

  • Knowledge Sharing – Initially, when we took up this project each member of the team has unique technical skills which was hard time for all of us to understand each technical aspect or element of the project. In order to over come this we as a team had regular team meetings to share knowledge among us and clearing all the doubts or questions we had, we did not stop with single meeting, continued to have these meeting from beginning to end of the project which made everyone of us to have knowledge on all the technical aspects of the project.
  • Assigning Right Person to accomplish the Task: It is not about going with the flow to Finish the project, it is all about the skill that we gain while completing the project. So achieve this, we as a Team shared the work among us making sure the task assigned to the person has firm grip on the skill that can help us to achieve what we meant.
  • Cost Management – As we are working on Agile methodology, to complete our projects. In this process things change as the time changes, out which cost to the project plays one of the major role. In our project also, we were confined to the minimal cost for purchasing the project required software or tools but not compromised in quality towards making of the project.
  • Research on current technologies to make a secure web-portal – After Initial discussion with project, after collecting the project requirements from the sponsor, the most important thing done by our time is spend time on type of technologies being used in web-designing markets, different ways followed by current leading companies to secure their user data being visible to the outside world and also apart from the technical aspects we even did study on managing the project to finish it on time, without compromising about the quality while developing portal and building confidence within the sponsor for every meeting we had, by showcasing the key-terms that we implemented in the project what exactly customer is looking for.

Short Video: