WIN1201-03 Lab Improvements

This website will help the user to get completely remote access of  any hardware to which it is connected. This website is capable of displaying the specification such as Temperature, Speed, …

WIN1205-04 Innovation Cluster-PRAN

The Peterborough Region Angel Network (PRAN) brings together individual investors from the Peterborough area. Innovation Cluster works directly with PRAN as a partner, so the companies can pitch to the …

WIN1201-08 UTKI Centre for Movement and Arts

This website will attract number of users having interest in various Indian dance forms. Moreover, this website will encourage the participants and audience as well to participate in various events …

WIN1201-14 United Empire Loyalists Canada Mobile Website

This website is created to provide an easy user interface which would be very beneficial for the students or researchers for their projects or journals to get information related to the United Empire Loyalists’ Association Canada.

WIN1201-27 Food Recognition

Food Recognition is all about developing a Neural Network algorithm to allow devices to recognize the various type of food presented in the picture.